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                         PARENTING TIP FROM




                          Teach your child to name their emotions


Throughout my childhood, my mum had this wonderful habit of asking my siblings and me to name the emotions we were feeling. She had this innate understanding of the power behind this idea. Recognising and understanding emotions is the first step towards effectively managing them! When children can put a name to their emotions, it becomes easier for them to communicate their feelings and seek help when needed. It also helps them to self-regulate. This week, we’re sharing the “I Feel” Wheel, a visual spinner to help children practise naming their feelings. 

We even made two versions of this incredible tool, including a neurodiverse-friendly version to support the needs of ALL children who find it challenging to describe their feelings.

You can also use it for a daily feelings check-in with your children or students. Take a look! 


Julie Leonard - Wellbeing Leader/Religious Education Leader