Resource Centre

Children’s Book Week 19th-25th August

This month we celebrate Children’s Book Week 19th-25th August. Each year since 1945 the Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) has brought children and books together across Australia through Children's Book Week. During this time schools and public libraries celebrate books and Australian children's authors and illustrators. The theme for this year is Read, Grow, Inspire.

The Kildare College Resource Centre will celebrate Book Week with a special display of books by authors and illustrators from many cultures, age groups and walks of life. This year the display will include books from authors: Remy Lai, David Spillman and Lisa Wilyuka, Randal Abdel-Fattah, Hanna Alkaf, Michelle Aung Thin, Ezekiel Kwaymullina and Sally Morgan, Rebecca Lim, Yvette Poshoglian, Meme McDonald and Boori Monty Pryor, Maisie Chan, Oliver Phommavanh, Benjamin Zephaniah, Nandini Bajpai and Aunty Shaa Smith with Yandaarra. These are just some of the many wonderful authors whose books will be on display and available for borrowing by the College community.

Notices for overdue library books have been sent to students and parents for those books to be returned, or extended for further reading time. I would like to thank parents for responding so positively to receiving the reminders and encouraging their students to either return or extend time on their books. I am most appreciative of your support.


“Books, the children of the brain” Jonathan Swift (author, essayist, poet).




Dr Sandra Cox-Townend  | Teacher Librarian