Physical Education and Sports

'Healthy body, Healthy Mind, Healthy Heart.'

Sport News - August 2023


School Sports Day


It is only 8 more sleeps until the Our Lady of Fatima School Sports!. These sports involve every student in the school. The morning session has years Prep - 3 participating and competing in various tabloid sports and modified athletics in the OLOF school grounds. The years 4-6 students compete in various games and athletics at Shire Oval, Olympic Park Reserve. 

In the afternoon, the school assembles at a running track that will be located on our school oval this year to spectate and participate in the 80m sprints.  


Students are asked to wear their Sports Uniform on this day and bring a drink bottle. I would also recommend students bring/wear a jumper and wet weather jacket.


Parents are welcome to attend and cheer on the students.


will need parental assistance in running the events on the day. If you have a current WWCC and would like to help out, please call the school or email me. 


If you have not responded to the Operoo giving permission for your child to attend (only Year 4-6 students as they are required to leave the school grounds), please do this as soon as possible.


Thank you to the parents who have already offered to help on the day! 





Our Year 4-6 students have been learning and participating in a range of athletic events in both P.E class and Senior School Sport. These lessons help me to choose the students (based on results) that will represent OLOF at the upcoming Phillip District Athletics on the 25th of August at Mornington Athletics Track. We have been working on High Jump, Long Jump, Triple Jump, Hurdles and Discus. The School Sports Day will allow me to find our representative/s in the Shot Put, 800m, 100m, 200m and 4x100m Relay.



School Sports Day - Friday 11th August 2023




Dan Koole

Physical Education Teacher

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