Religious Education 

'Religious Education enables learners to encounter God in their lives and to articulate what this means, in an environment that welcomes multicultural and multi-faith world views.'

FIRE Carrier Fundraiser


What is the FIRE Carrier program?

The aim of the FIRE (Friends Igniting Reconciliation through Education) Carrier Program is to promote respect, fairness and inclusion for Aboriginal people. The FIRE Carrier Program promotes reconciliation in Victorian Schools. The Aboriginal Catholic Ministry also supports Aboriginal families who are making a choice for a Catholic education for their children through their Opening the Doors Foundation. To be a FIRE Carrier is to exercise an important leadership role in the school community. FIRE carriers are students and teachers that share a passion for learning about Aboriginal culture and history and are committed to sharing this knowledge and promoting reconciliation within and beyond the school community.


On the 4th of August we celebrate the Opening of the Doors Foundation's birthday. It is also the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day. National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day celebrates the culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and the crucial role that culture, family and community play in their life. This day was established in 1988 to celebrate the children, to grow their confidence and help them feel special and included. This year’s theme is “Little Voices, Loud Futures”. The Opening the Doors Foundation is an Aboriginal-led community organisation supporting educational opportunities for Aboriginal children. The Foundation enables Aboriginal students to participate fully and equally in education, and supports their families to make their own choices about their children’s future.

As Fire Carriers part of our commitment is to raise funds for the Opening the Doors Foundation. The Fire Carrier student representatives have been responsible for planning this fundraising. 


Throughout next week they will be hosting a guess how many jellybeans in a jar for 50 cents a guess. They will also be making and selling bracelets made with the colours of the aboriginal flag for 50 cents each. 


The students will be in front of the office for 10 minutes at the start of recess from Monday to Thursday next week for students to make their guess and to purchase the bracelets. Please support the Fire Carriers in their fundraising efforts for Opening the Doors Foundation.


Eucharist     TERM 3

Presentation Mass - Sunday 6th August at 9:00am & 5:00pm

Family Workshop - Wednesday 9th August at 6:00pm @ school

Sacrament of the Eucharist - Sunday 27th August at 5:00pm


Note: If your child has not been Baptised they are unable to receive any of the Sacraments. If you are interested in having your child Baptised please make an appointment at the Parish office to see Father John Paul.


MsAlicia Baker

Religious Education Leader