Buckley House Interviews 

 Artwork by Matthew Kocev, Year 8, Ridgeway Campus 

MInterviewing students of Buckley House!

 By  Leonardo Donarelli Year 6, Buckley House


Throughout this term, the students of Year 3 and 4 have embraced the challenges being in a new year level. The halfway mark of the school year has flown past at the speed of sound. It’s the perfect time to check in with our students about their thoughts of entering the second part of the year. 

By Lara Hopkins, Year 11, The Ridgeway Campus
By Lara Hopkins, Year 11, The Ridgeway Campus


Year 3 

Starting with the Year 3’s, this semester has had great opportunity for them to start taking part in the new sporting events, while of course the halfway mark in their primary school years has ticked over. Led by amazing teachers, Mr Robert Loft and David McLean, it’s time to see how the students feel as we skim over the mid-mark in their journey. I interviewed Sophie and Lucas from Year 3 and here were some highlights of the interview. 


They explained how Year 3 has been a big step up for them and that they were proud of how they handled it. They enjoyed the Athletics Carnival and the Royal Flying Doctors Service incursion and are looking forward to having their first camp, as well as finishing this year strong for a great time in Year 4! 


Year 4 

Next, I interviewed the Year 4’s, lead by Mrs Suzanne Taylor and Ms Alexandra Lett. The students of Year 4 have stepped up to be role models in the school for the younger students. Now it’s time to see how the amazing Year 4’s have progressed through this truly year! I interviewed Katy and Kiaan from Year 4! 


They have explained that they have had a great time. A memorable moment for them was their second swimming carnival and the showcase concert. Kiaan explained that it was where he found his singing voice. Looking forwards, they’re excited to move up into the Innovation Centre next year for Year 5. 


Year 5 and 6s 

At the top of the school, the Year 5s and 6s have worked through the year excellently. They’ve tackled goals, overcome challenges and showed what being an Ivanhoe Learner really is. I spoke to four inspirational students who have well demonstrated the attributes of Buckley House. 


Miss Bronwyn McHugh and Mrs Melanie Goetz have really helped to guide the students, preparing them to become leaders of the school. Now, you know the drill, let’s see how the students have pushed through this year. I chatted to Christopher and Oriana from Year 5. 


 What’s a memorable moment in your time in Year 5? 


Christopher: A memorable time was probably camp because it was just very fun and interactive.  


Oriana: A memorable moment for me is Soverign Hill. It was a new experience and educating. 





Next year, you’re to be the leaders of the school, how do you react to this? 


Christopher: Leading is one of my passions and hopefully I can pursue it. 


Oriana: I’m excited to embrace new opportunities and have fun.  


Now, the leaders of the school Year 6! It’s a busy year for them as the splendid teachers Ms Lisa Broben and Mrs Melanie Neilson prepare them for the big step to high school ahead. The Year 6’s have shown all the Ivanhoe Learner Attributes this year and what a better way to celebrate than seeing their perspective for not only this year, but the big step upwards. 


 What’s a memorable moment in your time in Year 6? 


Alex: Starting Year 6 was a big change because it was different, and you start to begin to reflect on your time in your primary years. 


Mimi: I would say the Canberra camp was a really nice experience especially visiting Questacon and touring the galleries around Canberra. 


 What something you’ll look back to on your primary years? 


Alex: My journey through my primary school years and looking back on how I’ve grown up and the friends I’ve made along the way. How they’ve impacted me as a person will stay with me forever. 


Mimi: Probably the buddy experience, because I enjoyed it very much in prep and now it’s my turn to be the leader towards the buddy. 


 How do you think you’ll handle the big step upwards? 


Alex: I’ll already have made friends moving up and wouldn’t have to adjust to a change. It’s going a big step upwards and I can’t wait to see what lies ahead. 


Mimi: I think it will start off challenging but I’ll adapt. There are hundreds of other kids in the same position as me and many potential friends in the future. 


What’s an inspirational quote you’d like to share? 


One of the quotes that’s always pushed me through is our ‘greatest glory is not in never falling, but rising every time we fall’ - Confucius. It’s helped me push through and through tough times and has helped me bounce back.   


‘Reach for the stars’ because it’s telling you that if you try you can achieve anything. 

By Olive McGeachan, Year 8, The Ridgeway Campus
By Olive McGeachan, Year 8, The Ridgeway Campus

It’s been a great time interviewing these students. Throughout this experience, I’ve learnt what it means to be an Ivanhoe Learner and what a great place our school is. Hopefully, you can take something out of these interviews as I know I certainly have.