Buckley House Sport

Artwork by Ashley Xu Somers, Year 8, Ridgeway Campus

Buckley House Athletics Carnival 

The Collingwood Athletics Track
The Collingwood Athletics Track

By Liam Wong, Year 6, Buckley House


The uproar of the crowd, the chanting from the bleachers, you know what time it is, it's the Athletics Carnival! Every year at the Collingwood Athletics Track, four teams battle it off for the chance to win the House Athletics Carnival title of 2023! 

Let's take a look! 




This year, our talented students from the four Houses competed in a highly action packed day. They were the strongest, the bravest, the smartest, and best of all they had spirit! The cheers erupted from the children, as they got a close look at their competitors. 



The Houses' scores were all extremely close the entire time, with Athelstane only just gaining enough points to take home the trophy. As always, the focus was on participating and trying your best, not on winning. So training hard and doing your best by getting involved were key messages. 


AGSV Athletics
AGSV Athletics

Now, let's look at some highlights from the day. First up, excitement and energy was prominent throughout the day. You could feel the excitement in the air. A lot of very good athletes competed, getting lots of points for their House. From Lincoln, the green House emerged some great athletes, including Leonardo Donarelli. What a great performance by him, the entire school was blown away! Leo broke numerous school records, making the school very proud.  




In upcoming events, whether it be districts or 2024, I encourage everybody to try their best. Once again, the spirit everybody showed for their House was amazing. Truly inspiring to see everybody dressed up and excited for the day.  All the students performed exceptionally, some even making it to the next levels of athletics, the District and Division Carnivals. 


Which House will win next year? Will it be yours? 



Athletics Carnival 

By Kayden Jin, Year 6, Buckley House  


On the field we gather with glee, 

Laughing, cheering, wild and free! 

Racing, jumping, what a time, 

Afterwards eating dinner with lime. 


Ready to sprint in a thrilling race, 

Our shoes are laced as we find our pace. 

The start is called, a burst of sound, 

Feet run frantically, covering ground! 


High jump and hurdles, test of might, 

Chatter erupting as we jump high heights! 

Teamwork glows as the baton we pass, 

Bonding us friends who lay on the grass. 


Shot put and discus, our muscles are challenged, 

Careful of injury as we may be damaged. 

Long jump sends us leaping through the air, 

Everyone is a winner, no one feels despair. 


The sun starts to set, 

Victories and goals are met. 

We wait one year for this to repeat, 

Reflecting on athletics days are a feat! 




Ivanhoe Grammar School Footy

 By Shreyaan Khanna, Year 6, Buckley House


On the 24th of July 2023, the IGS footy team walked to Chelsworth Park to play division footy. Hopes were high, and students were all thrilled with chance to reach Regionals.  


The first match was quite tough. The muddy conditions and rough tackles were preventing Ivanhoe Grammar School students from running away with the victory. The opposition’s defence was a wall which students found extremely hard to break through. Although in true Ivanhoe fashion, the students scored with two late goals and secured the victory for Ivanhoe. After the students won their first match students were confident that they would win their second match to reach regionals!  

By Charlotte Turner, Year 11, The Ridgeway Campus
By Charlotte Turner, Year 11, The Ridgeway Campus

Unfortunately, in the second match the opposition’s wall at the back was way too hard to break through. Students worked collaboratively to create chances to hopefully equalise the score but ultimately, the Ivanhoe Grammar School students lost. After lots of handshakes the students went back to school, not happy with the result but happy with the work they put into the game and sportsmanship they showed.  


Even though the students lost, the opportunity to represent the school playing footy was great I am sure all of the students are proud of themselves. Playing sport as a team develops team skills and I believe as a team students grew. I am really looking forward to the next footy season and I am sure all the students are too.