Cambodia Service Trip!

Artwork by  Maddie Lim, Year 8, Ridgeway Campus

Cambodia Service Trip 

By Emily Malcolm, Year 11,  Ridgeway Campus

During the June holidays, I had the amazing opportunity to take part in the Ivanhoe Grammar Service Trip to Cambodia.


We first travelled to Phnom Penh, where we visited multiple schools to teach English classes and play games with the students. All the school children were incredibly excited to see Australian students visiting, jumping on us for hugs, some of them even offering small gifts they had made specifically for us. Their excitement and joy was so beautiful to see, because although many of the students were surrounded by poverty, they still found a way to be grateful for all that they had.

Additionally, we were able to engage with a variety of culturally enriching experiences such as participating in a traditional Khmer dance lesson or sightseeing around beautiful, historic temples. One day we also had the opportunity to visit the killing fields and genocide museum, to learn about the tragic and everlasting effects of the Khmer Rogue regime.


After exploring Phnom Penh, we took a six hour coach ride to Siem Reap where we stayed in a local village. The village my group stayed at was called Peak Sneang, and welcomed our large group of 25 students with open arms. We stayed in the upstairs room of a local resident’s home, and during the day experienced village life which included activities such as fishing, weaving, cooking or simply playing with the local children. We also helped in constructing a new toilet for a family in need, using the money collected by our fundraising efforts. I think it was especially great to work on this project, as we were able to see how our donations and time were directly translated into bettering the lives of Cambodian citizens. The village stay was an incredibly eye-opening experience, as I had the opportunity to truly reflect on how privileged and lucky we are to live in Melbourne, and moreover how I should always remember to be grateful and happy for all that I have in life, alike all the kind residents of Peak Sneang.


To end our trip, we returned to Siem Reap for final service opportunities and sightseeing around historical site Angkor Wat, and other incredible temples.


Overall, the Cambodian Service Trip was truly an amazing experience, which broadened my knowledge of Cambodian culture, and allowed me to bond and create lifelong memories with many amazing new people. Cambodia changed my views and outlook on life in a way unimaginable, providing me and so many other students, with the opportunity to truly make a difference within someone else’s life.