Specialist News

Physical Vibe

House Cross Country

Well done to everyone for completing the House Cross Country last Friday. It was great seeing so many people cheering on their fellow House members and earning points for their house.

A big thankyou to our amazing Volunteers who helped on the day - it made the event run smoothly. Special thanks to all out fantastic family members that came and cheered on the children - it was a real community event. 

The House Points were tallied and the results were as follows:

4th - Munmut with 85 Points

3rd - Baany With 104 points

2nd - Wiiny with 124 Points

Which means

1st - Biik with 125 points

What a close finish!

Students who have qualified for District Cross Country have received their notices and we wish them all the best when they compete on Thursday 5th May at Casey Fields. 

The next House event is Athletics which is early in term 2.


Get Your Move on in March - Whole School Competition

What a fabulous month we have had conducting the competition. I could not be prouder of every student and staff member for the way in which they have persisted with the challenge. Even when the weather could have turned classes off they still went out and worked together to keep adding to their total. 

Due to the fabulous response I have expanded the total prizes to 3, one for Junior, Middle and Senior.

Congratulations to the following classes who will be getting an extra P.E lesson in the near future with a special guest joining in on their activity of choice.

Junior - 2a and 2b joint winners with 47 laps

Middle - 4a and 4b joint winners with 60 laps

Senior - 6a and 6b joint winners with 53 laps

As a whole school we did a whopping total of 586 laps which equals about 235 kilometres!

Horseland Equestrian Show 

On Wednesday 23rd March Shugar from 6B competed in the Horseland Farmworld Equestrian Show. It was her first time competing in the open showing and inter school competition.

Shugar and her pony Winston placed 1st in six events and 2nd in one.

What an outstanding achievement! C.S.P.S is super proud and we can not wait to follow your next events.

A.F.L Victoria Clinics

The foundation, year 1 and year 2 students have participated in two clinics run by Jackson from A.F.L Victoria. The enthusiasm and engagement shown by all students was pleasing to see. Highlights included ‘Jackson says’ and the ‘Cone Kicking’ game.

If your child is interested in participating in Auskick please head to the website below for more information. 


Victorian Institute of Sport Guest Speaker - Tess Lloyd

On Wednesday 16th March the year 6 students were treated to a visit from Australian Olympic sailor Tess Lloyd as part of the Be Fit, Be Well program run by the V.I.S. Tess competed at the Tokyo Olympic games and shared her sporting and personal journey. The students were amazed at her resilience and determination to get to the Olympics after an accident at age 16 left her in an induced coma. Her strength and courage to learn how to walk and talk again had the students engaged. The students also asked some really great questions about sailing as it is a sport that not many of them have been exposed to. Experiences like this enable the students to see that anything is possible if you have the right attitude. We look forward to following Tess in her upcoming events.

Term 2 Events

There is lots to look forward to in term 2 so make sure you save the following dates:

Forest Edge Camp (year 5 & 6) - 27th, 28th & 29th April

Life Saving Victoria incursion (all year levels) - 2nd, 3rd and 4th May

District Cross Country (selected students only) - 5th May

House Athletics (years 3, 4, 5 & 6) - 6th May

Arrabi Camp (year 3 & 4) - 16th, 17th & 18th May

Junior House Athletics (Foundation, Year 1 & Year 2) - 20th May

Division Cross Country (selected students only) - 1st June

Winter Lightening Premiers Sports (year 5 & 6) - 8th June

Southern Metro Regional Cross Country (selected students only) - 15th June

Mrs Danielle Curtois

Physical Vibe

Celebrating Harmony Week in Visual Arts and Environmental Studies

Students truly embraced what Harmony Week is all about through their artwork and discussions. Even though we all come from different backgrounds and have different skin colours and traditions, we all share the same heart and values.  EVERYONE BELONGS!!