Interview with Grant Rounsley

Interview -  Grant Rounsley

Year 5 Teacher


How long have you worked at BNPS?

I have worked at BNPS 13-14 years. I took some time off to work at an International school  in China for a year and in the NSW school system. 


Who  inspires you?  

I get inspired by people that achieve goals that they probably shouldn’t have. So it could be anyone. I used to love watching Usain Bolt and Dylan Alcott is inspirational in my eyes. 


 What is your favourite thing to do on the weekends? 

Hang out with my daughter and catch up with friends.




Are you an early bird or a night owl?  

Tough one…. I probably lean towards night owl.


If you weren't a teacher, what do you think you might be doing?

I think I would have like to do something in design…



What might someone be surprised to know about you? 

That I actually have a full set of hair (Hahaha, I don’t know? I was paid to play sport overseas).

What’s something you saw recently that made you smile?  

Watching my daughter Lidi-Mae learn to say new words and count. 


If you could trade places with anyone for a day, who would  It be?

I would be someone who is living up in the tropics near a beautiful beach. Why? so I could go swimming and relax on the beach. If that wasn’t possible someone like Daniel Riccardo so I could drive an F1 car. 


What would you like to say to the students of BNPS? 

You have achieved a lot over a difficult two years of growing up and schooling, even if you don’t think you have, congratulations.