OSHC Garden 

Thank you to Kareem and the rest of the on-site children and staff who helped repair our OSHC garden after it had been destroyed over the weekend. Whilst it was disappointing to see so many plants pulled out and artwork ruined by such a careless act, seeing the children all work together and show resilience as they repaired the damage was absolutely heart-warming, a great team effort! 

Monday November 1 (Day before Cup Day)

If you are planning a long weekend and won’t be using before or after school care on Monday November 1, we would really appreciate it if you can advise us as a matter of urgency so that we can plan accordingly. 


Bookings for 2022 

We will begin accepting 2022 enrolments for siblings of children currently using the OSHC program from Friday 12 November. Please keep an eye out on Compass next week where we will communicate further information in regards to the booking process. 


Sun Smart Hats 

Please remember that all children must wear a wide brimmed hat at OSHC if they want to play outside- this includes morning and afternoon care.

Quote of the Fortnight

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” ―Søren Kierk



As always, families are welcome to give us feedback about any aspect of the program. We welcome your input! Please feel free to come in and have a chat with Kelly, Amanda or Tamara or send Kelly an email oshc@beaumarisnorthps.vic.edu.au