From the Principal

I wish to announce that our Deputy Principal, Jacqueline Conboy, has won a Principalship at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Thamarrurr Catholic School in Wadeye, Northern Territory, a large K-12 school. 


Jacqueline has made an enormous commitment to St Mary’s over the past 16 years. She has set a positive and respectful tone in the College and has worked tirelessly with students to support them in their learning, and in being better people. Jacqueline will be greatly missed. 


There is a process underway to appoint a new Deputy Principal for 2022.


Drop-off and pick-up reminder 

If you drop off or collect children from St Mary’s College can you please be very careful in Brisbane Street in particular, but right around the College. Please don’t use driveways as places to pull in, either those of the College or the neighbours. 


As your child or children get older, consider dropping them a few blocks away and encourage them to walk the remainder; this will reduce some of the congestion. 


Thanks for your continued vigilance with keeping our students safe.


A prayer to remind us of the Presentation value of Hospitality…


just as you welcome us into your kingdom,
help us to love each other deeply,
offer hospitality to one another without grumbling,
and encourage each to use the gifts we have received to serve others,
so that every one of us will be a faithful steward of God’s grace in its various forms. 
—Shannon Jamaal-Hollemans, Office of Social Justice, CRCNA

Helen Spencer
