Performing Arts
5 November
5/6 Production News
Gavin let me know that a few people have emailed with props for the production. Thank you!!!! And thank you to Gavin and Tamara for organising the props.
Yesterday a prop was accidentally broken. I was wondering if anyone had a picture frame, with nothing in it, that we could have or borrow. It needs to be big enough for a student's head to be seen.
Can anyone make six handles/hilts for swords? We have the blades but no handles.
Does anyone know where we can get a second trumpet from, that looks like this (without the towel)? It doesn't have to be gold in colour:
Apparently they can be purchased from a Two Dollar Shop. If anyone finds one can you please let me or Gavin know. Here is Gavin's email: We only need one more.
The students who are performing the dance i.e. all students in 5/6A, 5/6B, 5/6H and 5/6R need to dress in a plain black t-shirt and black trousers or leggings.
Yesterday the students with speaking role had a chance to try on costumes. Some students will need extra items such as black trousers/leggings, white shirts, black long sleeve shirts etc. I hope to send home a letter ASAP, as to who needs the extra items. Your child/children will know if they need these items so please ask them. Could you please find or purchase these items. Don't go to any expense, as most of the items can be purchased cheaply at Kmart. Ginevra will be in charge of organising costumes. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact her. 😏
We had our first rehearsal for the speaking role students last Friday. It went really well and I am so impressed with the way the students demonstrated the value of respect, by listening and following direction, optimism of attending rehearsals with a positive attitude and responsibility of knowing their lines. We were able to rehearse more than I expected and I am very proud of them all. For those who still need to learn their lines, a great way is to read the script before going to bed. They can read the line before theirs, then cover their line and see if they can remember what they need to say. This will help to be retained in their long term memory.
Any queries or concerns please don't hesitate to contact the office.
Mrs Jenes