Greetings from Julie 


We are very excited to share that following the vaccination targets in Victoria, the staged return to onsite learning is being brought forward. 

The earlier return of students to full-time onsite learning is great news for our school community and families. This means that camps, interschool sport, excursions, school assemblies, music, singing and performances will be able to take place (in line with the community settings and vaccination requirements). 

Face masks will no longer be required outdoors by teachers or secondary school students but will remain an important part of our classrooms, and in the community.

Northcote Primary School has a curriculum day on Monday 1st November and all students will return to onsite schooling on Wednesday 3rd November, 2021.


COVID Safe steps

We have taken a number of steps to support onsite learning, including staff vaccination, ventilation, physical distancing for staff and students, multiple entry and exit gates, and mask wearing. 

We will be encouraging students to remain safe and practice good COVID Safe behaviours for the remaining of Term 4. We are awaiting a date from the Department as to when to expect delivery of the air purification devices for our school. We will communicate with families once we have received further information. 



Northcote Primary School is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people. This will be the primary focus of our care and decision-making. Northcote Primary School has zero tolerance for child abuse and is committed to providing a child safe environment.



With the continuing changes to the return to school dates, it has been difficult to prepare your child for the return to school. The following advice is from Be You giving some ideas for things that we can do. 

Feelings and reactions to returning to school

  • Lots of children will be very happy to be back at school and will adjust quite quickly. Children could

experience a mix of emotions; happy to be back, but also miss being at home, and this could cause tension and distress.

  • For many other children, however, it may take time to adapt; while this isn’t the first time children have transitioned back to school, this prior experience is a long, long time ago from a child’s point of view
  • Fatigue: many children will have altered sleep patterns during remote learning. Also, the busy school environment can be taxing after an extended break.
  • Potential for worry about going to school and separating from parents/carers at drop off time.
  • Potential worry about safety and COVID-19 (self, teachers, classmates, loved ones).
  • Potential for negative behaviours at home while children adjust (sensitive, teary, argumentative).
  • Parents/carers missing their kids and sense of engagement with their learning.

When school begins - what you can do

  • Make sure children are getting plenty of downtime after school to play and rest.
  • Allow time for children to express their feelings - help them to articulate their feelings.
  • Continue to engage with learning with your child. Listen to any stories they want to tell you about school, reading each day together, etc.
  • Plan for post-school day tiredness/flatness/grumpiness. After you pick up your child they will be tired.
  • Try to keep weekends quiet and restful while children adjust to school again.



If you are considering enrolling your child in the school as a Prep in 2022, we would love to have you. School tours are running each Tuesday, (from Tuesday  9th November), morning from 9am-10am or 10.00am - 11am. 

Bookings are essential, please call the school office on 9481 0009 or email at to book. You can also see a virtual tour and prep information booklet on the school website

Please note that the following dates have been changed: 

Ready Set Go! Program No. 1 Tuesday 30th November

Ready Set Go! Program No. 2 Tuesday 7th December

As always, you can also contact the school directly for more information about us.



Creating culturally safe and inclusive learning environments is everyone’s business, but of course, teachers require a strong foundation of skills, knowledge, and a lot of support in order to deliver Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives within their classroom curriculum. 

This is why VAEAI, in partnership with the Department of Education and Training, has prioritised providing professional learning through the Community Understanding and Safety Training initiative (otherwise known as CUST), to all school-based staff, from teachers, to administration and grounds staff in every government school throughout the state.

CUST is designed to be an introduction to ongoing learning and engagement with Aboriginal perspectives throughout the curriculum through meaningful collaboration between local Aboriginal communities and schools.

Staff at NPS will be undertaking this training on Monday 1st November. 


Thank you to everyone for showing that the Northcote Primary School Community really does look after each other. It has been great seeing everyone doing their bit to keep others safe. We really appreciate your support and goodwill in getting through this. 


As always, take care and stay safe,

Julie Andrews

Acting Principal

Collaboration – Community - Respect