News from SLC

Inquiry and Maths

What is the difference between needs and wants? What is the nature and meaning of work? What are some different types of resources and how do we use these resources? How do we put together a business plan? These questions all rose from our Inquiry topic this term being 'Connections'. Specifically we are looking at how creating a business can affect our decisions. What decisions have to be made for a business to be successful? How can we use data to inform these decisions? The students will take a deep dive into creating a business, learn about getting a product ready for a consumer to purchase and collect data to know what will sell best. Be ready for our SLC entrepreneurs! I can already feel their excitement. 

Knowing how to read a timetable while you are waiting for a bus, train or tram is important as we need to know where we are going, what stop we are getting off at, when the train, tram or bus will arrive/depart and lastly how long the trip will take. SLC are learning how to plan trips into the city and back to the agreed destination. Last week, we created a plan to travel from our school to Flinders Street Station and back again by way of travelling on a train, tram or bus. We also had a look at the Public Transport Victoria (PTV) website and how to look up timetables for different types of public transport.


Since this is the last Term for our Year 6 students, we have dedicated some time each week to talking about High School. The transition from Primary School to High School can be quite scary for some students. 


We will not only be having discussions about life in High School but we will also be doing activities that will help us to get ready for this change. As well as celebrating the last year of Primary School by reflecting on all of the things we have learnt and the memories we have made at St Bridget’s.


Kind regards,


Mr Jack Cirillo

SLC Classroom Teacher