Message from the Principal

Welcome back to Term 4. It is wonderful to finally know when our students are coming back to school onsite. Details are as follows, in case you have missed my communications via Skoolbag (Coral).


Years 5 and 6 students will return on Friday 22 October and will be onsite part time for the following week. They will learn remotely Monday 25 to Wednesday 27 October before returning onsite on Thursday 28 and Friday 29 October.


Year levels Prep, 1, 2, 3, 4 will stay on the current schedule.

  • Prep - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday starting Monday 18th October
  • Years 1/2 - Thursday, Friday starting Thursday 21st October
  • Years 3/4 - Tuesday, Wednesday starting Tuesday 26th October

A full-time return for all metropolitan students is expected Friday 5th November.


Thank you to those students and families who participated in the Term 3 School Holiday Competition. To ensure a fair process, where there were multiple enters the winners where chosen out of a hat. The winners are as follows and will receive their prizes when they return to school.













Cynthia (JLC) and Jasmine (Prep)


Kiera (SLC) and Emma (MLC)


Joyce (JLC)

Ariel (JLC)

Nikki (MLC)

Aiden (SLC)

Scavenger Hunt 

Trumble family (JLC)

On the 7th October, many of you would have received an email from me regarding our School Improvement Survey (MACSSIS). Whilst this survey is voluntary, it does provide us with valuable feedback as to how our school is performing and where you see we need to improve. Thank you to those parents who have already completed the survey and I encourage those who haven't to do so by Thursday 28th October. 


Kind regards


Robyn Thomson
