Boarding News

Photo by Charlie Lowson - AFLNT Media (used with permission)

Photo by Charlie Lowson - AFLNT Media (used with permission)
Photo by Charlie Lowson - AFLNT Media (used with permission)

What a week here at St Philip's College with both wins in the town Grand Final for our Under 15 Federals and  Under 16 Rovers. 


Both teams featured a good mix of our Boarding contingent. It was definitely a raucous night of celebration and song. If any parents missed the final or would like to view it again it can be seen on Youtube (scroll down and the links can be found at the bottom of this page).


Aside from the football, it was a very quiet weekend with most of the families travelling in for the finals and then enjoying the weekend with each other. It was pleasing to see all the boarders play the game in true spirits. The season doesn't stop for our ladies however, as the Bentley Bombers played their way into their third consecutive Grand Final on Tuesday.

It was a hard fought win over CMS and our lady boarders played extremely well. 


Again I would like to remind you that positions are open in Boarding for 2022. St Philip's College Boarding is expected to be at capacity, so if you know of anyone interested in a spot at St Philip's I would suggest that you get in contact with Paul Bailey 0404 504 540 to receive an application. 


Monday night we were visited by the students from Bonya School. They experienced life in the boarding house with dinner and dessert and then dodge ball in the stadium. Their Principal, Mark and teacher, Billie were in attendance with their assistants. It was a fun night with the final game being Bonya and Kintore versus the rest of the World. I can proudly announce that Bonya and Kintore are world dodge ball champions. 


Principal, Roger Herbert and I actively encourage college visits from communities and we can structure orientation programs to suit. These can be sleepovers, attending the college for a day, dinner with the boarders or college tours and lunch. I think it is important that a new boarder and their community understands St Philip's College and its method of education and most importantly how our Boarding House runs. Some of the communities who have visited the college are Aerongya, Bonya, Wallace Rockhole and Ti Tree. If your community would like to visit please contact Paul Bailey on the number listed above to plan your day in the life of a St Philip's College boarder.


Yours in Boarding, 


Tammy Hawkins

Acting Director of Boarding


2021 TIO CAFL U16 Junior Women's Grand Final: South Alice vs Rovers


2021 TIO CAFL U15 Junior Men's Grand Final: South Alice vs Federal