Stage 1 Psychology

Visit to Ross Park Primary School

As part of their Stage 1 Investigations Folio our Year 11 Psychology class travelled to Ross Park Primary School to conduct a study on cognitive development in Transition and Grade 4 students. 


They were very eager researchers who were met by happy and motivated young people eager to engage in some scientific learning.


Our Year 11’s studied the concepts of conservation of number, mass and volume and also tested the young student’s egocentric and reversibility thinking. Students then completed reflections around their experiences which were very interesting to read and showed the high level of intelligence that the Ross Park participants had.



One student even wrote ‘we were just lab rats in an experiment’ whilst another student observed ‘those big kids really know what they are doing – they are great teachers!’


Hopefully this can be an ongoing shared experience between the two schools in the future. 


Mrs Roxanne Egan

Psychology Teacher