Principal's Message

Aspire ~ Celebrate ~ Reflect

Dear Parents,


One of the wonderful things about St Philip's is the variety of subjects and opportunities available to our students.


In this day and age not only do we need to keep on top of technological advances, these discoveries impact everything we do from medicine, the automobile industry to agriculture. You will see this week the outcomes from one project in our Year 12 Agriculture class.


At Wednesday's assembly, Isabelle Alloway, Chloe Caldow, Charlotte Rudd, Ezekiel Yang, Natasha Bartlett, Wil Graham, Charlotte Murphy and Liam Henderson were inducted into their leadership positions and we wish them well as they collaborate, support and inspire their peers to achieve their best. 


I encourage our current Year 10 students to look ahead to next year and think about which leadership positions they would like to consider, and in which area they would like to make a difference. 


Thank you and Be Kind Always, 


~ Mr Roger Herbert
