
On Thursday 21st October there are scheduled year 7 vaccinations but it is also a catch up day for any year 10 student who missed receiving their Meningococcal vaccination earlier in the year. 


We are mindful that students are now in the priority group for a COVID vaccination as provided by the COVID Vaccination hub.   Both vaccines are important to ensure your child is safe from serious disease, the priority is to have the COVID vaccination

When booking for COVID vaccination, keep in mind that a 7-day gap is required before any other vaccines can be completed. 


As part of our pre-immunisation check, City of Ballarat will cross check all student vaccination records on the Australian Immunisation Register to check the 7-day gap is in place. In addition, we will ask your child if they have had a vaccine in the past 7 days.

If you have further enquiries, or wish to book your child for a school vaccination at a separate time to the planned session at your child's school, please call 5320 5720 


City of Ballarat Immunisation Team