Administrator Update

Northlea is Proud to be an OPAL School
Newsletter Updates
The Administrator Update and Dates to Remember sections have been updated with new information.
Stay Connected with Northlea
Be sure to follow us on Twitter @NorthleaTDSB. You can also check out our website at
Statement Re: Crash of Ukraine International Airlines Flight
We are heartbroken to learn that a number of TDSB students and their family members, along with a family member of at least one of our employees are among those who lost their lives in the crash of the Ukraine International Airlines flight PS752 in Iran. On behalf of the Toronto District School Board, we offer our sincere condolences to the friends, family, teachers and classmates of the following students:
- Sophie Emami, Sr. Kindergarten at Lillian PS
- Arsam Niazi, Grade 6 at Pleasant PS
- Arnica Niazi, Grade 3 at Finch PS
- Maya Zibaie, Grade 10 at Northern SS
- Rahmtin Ahmadi, Grade 4 at Muirhead PS
- Shahzad Eghbali, Grade 3 at Dallington PS
May their memories be a blessing.
Social work staff are already working with the impacted schools and we are supporting the victims’ loved ones in any way we can. In honour of those who lost their lives, flags at the victims’ schools and all TDSB administrative sites were lowered to half-staff. Please reach out to Ms. Sandler if you feel your child would be best served by receiving individualized support from our school social worker.
We realize that children may experience a wide range of reactions and emotions. It is with that in mind that our Professional Support Services staff have prepared tips that can help during this difficult time
We share our deepest condolences with all Northlea families impacted by this tragic event.
ETFO Job Action
For your reference, we have included the two letters we shared on Friday, January 10, 2020 about ETFO job action below:
ETFO Letter - January 10, 2020.pdf
(or online version:
Northlea Update #1 - ETFO Job Action 2020.pdf
(or online version:
As noted in the letter, we will do all we can to share the most accurate and up to date information available.
Home & School Extra-Curriculars - Registration
We invite all interested families to check out the link below to learn more about this term's Home and School Extra-Curricular programming opportunities. Registration timelines are noted in the link. This is time sensitive.
As well, Home and School is offering a new Ukulele program. We encourage you to take a look. There is still space.
We share special appreciation with Regina Espinosa (Home and School Extra-Curricular Chair) and our Vice-Principal Rachel Berger for their immense commitment to this portfolio.
TDSB All-City Community Ensembles
Join the TDSB All-City Community Ensembles!
Grade 6-8 instrumental students in TDSB band and strings programs are encouraged to apply for the All-City Community Ensemble program. The program supports collaboration with peers across the TDSB in a large ensemble - Band, String Ensemble, or R&B Ensemble, culminating in a performance at the 134th annual Spring Festival Concert at the world renowned Roy Thomson Hall, May 20, 2019. Parents/Guardians complete the application at by January 24, 2020.
Kindergarten Registration
We will start booking appointments on January 16th, 2020 and begin actual registrations on Feb 3rd, 2020.
Please call Northlea at 416-396-2395 to schedule an appointment starting on January 16th, 2020 for children who are eligible to start Junior Kindergarten in September 2020. Children who will be four by December 31, 2020, can start Junior Kindergarten in September 2020. We will commence with registrations on February 3rd, 2020.
In order to complete the registration you will require the following items: Birth Certificate, Health Card, Immunization Record, and a Property Tax Bill or Rental Agreement & one other piece of proof of residency (utility bill: Hydro, Enbridge, City of Toronto). NOTE: Property Tax Bill or Rental Agreement is Mandatory
The link below has detailed information about TDSB Kindergarten programming:
More detailed information about registration can be found here:
Regardless of which process caregivers select, all registrations require a visit the local school to validate registration information.
Save the date for our Welcome to Kindergarten Orientation on Tuesday, June 9, 2020 from 9:10-10:10 am beginning in our school library.
Public Health has shared several informative documents about supporting readiness for Kindergarten:
PA DAY - Friday, January 17, 2020
A friendly reminder that there is no school on Friday, January 17th, 2020 as this is a PA Day.
January is Tamil Heritage Month
Celebrating its 5th year since its designation as a heritage month, this year’s program, titled Vision 2020: Yengal Kathigal/Our Stories Vision 2020: எங்கள் கதைகள் - Our Stories celebrates students, the community and its stories. Students of Woburn Junior Public School helped launch the event on December 16 with special guest, Nimi Atma, a Tamil Canadian author, raised in Scarborough and a former TDSB student. He shared his journey and his inspiration for writing A Curse to Complete You. His presentation inspired staff, students and our communities to examine the stories that have shaped our individual and collective identities, to feel enriched by this experience and to spark dialogue about identity, ideas, and intercultural innovation.
Toronto has the largest Tamil population outside of the South Asian subcontinent with thousands of TDSB students and staff members' heritage identified as Tamil. All have stories of their journey of how they or their families arrived in Canada, and how they continue to embrace this country as their home. The poster reflecting the theme is being shared with all schools to be used as an educational tool to examine stories within and across cultures of students in the TDSB and how they shape our individual and collective identities.
We welcome any artifacts, posters and ideas for a front hall display. Additionally, we share infromation everyday during announcements.
Me to We Clothing Drive
Northlea’s Me to WE team is running a winter clothing drive. Help keep others warm this winter by donating your gently used winter wear. Drop off outside of office Jan 9th-27th. Clothes will be donated to New Circles and Out of the Cold.
Kindergarten Snowsuit Collection
Thank you so much for your numerous donations to the Kindergarten Snowsuit Drive for the Fraser Mustard Early Learning Academy. The snowsuits were picked up at the end of December and are now in the hands of very appreciative community members.
Optional Attendance
Students who reside within the City of Toronto have the right to attend a school which is designated to serve their residential address. The "Find Your School" section of the website identifies the designated schools for each residential address.
Students also have the opportunity to access schools outside of the school that is designated to serve their residential address by applying on optional attendance. Acceptance at these schools is subject to space availability and program suitability. The procedures, conditions and timelines relating to optional attendance are described in the Optional Attendance Policy and the Optional Attendance Operational Procedure
Each year in December, schools are classified as limited or closed to optional attendance based on the space they have available for the upcoming school year. A school classified as limited can accept students on optional attendance. A limited school is not obliged to accept all students who apply on optional attendance. Acceptance is conditional upon space being available in the appropriate grade and program. A school classified as closed cannot accept any students on optional attendance. Only students residing within the school's attendance area will be accepted. If a school is classified as limited, and you are interested in applying to that school, please contact the school's principal.
Please note that the optional attendance status is updated every December for admission in September of the coming school year. Many schools that are limited have their available spaces filled in the spring. Please confirm if a limited school has space available by calling the school directly.
Please Note the Following:
1. Priority of placement in the requested school will be based on a lottery if applications exceed the space available at the requested school.
2. If admitted, a student is expected to continue at the requested school until graduation.
Applications must be received by Friday, 14 February 2020.
A lottery, if necessary, will be held to determine the successful applicants.
Parents/guardians will be informed of acceptance or non-acceptance no later than March 6, 2020.
Parents/guardians must inform the requested school of their acceptance of the offer by Friday, 20 March 2019.
Applications must be received by Friday, 31 January 2020.
A lottery, if necessary, will be held to determine the successful applicants.
Parents/guardians or students 18 years of age or older will be informed of acceptance or non-acceptance prior to Friday, 14 February 2020.
Parents/guardians or students 18 years of age or older must confirm the offer of admission by completing a course selection sheet by Friday, 28 February 2020.
No student will be admitted into all secondary grade levels through optional attendance after Friday, 28 February 2020 unless the student does not have a timetable at another school.
Note: It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to deliver the application to the school or schools of choice.
Junior Extended French Application
While admission to the Early French Immersion (SK entry)/Junior Extended French (Grade 4 entry) program is guaranteed at the entry points to all on time applicants, admission to a specific school is not guaranteed if the school reaches capacity.
Please Note: At the November Board Meeting, the Board of Trustees approved to leave transportation status quo for the 2020-2021 school year. Therefore, there will be no service changes for transportation in K-8 in French Immersion/Extended French programs for the 2020-2021 school year.
The application for Early Immersion has closed. Applications for Junior Extended French which begins in Grade 4 must be completed online between January 6, 2020 and January 31, 2020. Please note that this will be the last entry class for this program as it will be transitioning out - Grade 4 Immersion Program will continue. Northlea does not host the Junior Extended French Program.
Offers of placement within your chosen program will be made to all on-time applicants in the weeks following the close of the application window. Please click here for more information -
*Northlea does not host a Junior Extended French Program.
Home and School Meetings
Below please find our list of Home and School meetings for this school year:
- RESCHEDULED** The meeting on February 6th - 2:30 PM @ Northlea in the School Library has been rescheduled to Wednesday, February 19, 2020. The meeting will run from 2:30 pm -3:20 pm.
- April 6th - 8:35 AM @ Northlea in the School Library
- May - Date TBD - 6:30 PM @ Northlea in the School Library
- Annual General Meeting - Time TBD - Post or pre volunteer breakfast perhaps.
Secondary Program Review and Optional Attendance Policy – Virtual Public Consultations: January 30, 2020
The TDSB is undertaking a review of secondary schools to ensure all students have equitable access to programs and opportunities. As part of this review, the Board is also reviewing the Optional Attendance Policy (P013), which allows students to apply to schools other than their designated school by home address. We have held four public meetings on both Optional Attendance Policy (P013) and Secondary Program Review in November 2019 and you can review this presentation here. On January 30, 2020, we will be hosting two virtual information sessions as our public consultations. The sessions will take place at 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. A link to these sessions can be found on our Secondary Program Review page.
Trustee Corner
Please visit Trustee Chernos Lin's website for updates about Ward 11:
You can also find the latest newsletter in full here:
Community Coffee Meetings . . . A Message from Trustee Chernos-Lin
"Community Coffee" meetings are informal gatherings where parents and constituents are invited for a round table-style discussion of information sharing, best practices and interesting conversation related to education in our ward. We often have superintendents and sometimes even principals who drop by, so these are fun and engaging events. These meetings are usually held at Longo's Leaside (93 Laird Drive), unless stated otherwise. I hope you can join us at one of upcoming dates below!
Guest Speaker, TDSB Director, Dr. John Malloy
Thursday, February 6th, 2019 6:30 pm - 8:30pm @ North Toronto Collegiate
Please join me for my next ward forum coming up on February 6th from 6:30-8:30pm at North Toronto Collegiate. Trustee Shelley Laskin and I will be hosting a joint ward forum with special guest, TDSB Director of Education, Dr. John Malloy. Mr. Malloy will speak on a variety of current topics including the Secondary Review, French programming, and the Multi-Year Strategic Plan and there will be plenty of time for questions and answers with the Director and Trustees. Please see the flyer below, or click on this link, for more information on parking, child care and more. We hope you will be able to join us!