Teaching and Learning

NPS Debating Festival

“It is imperative …”

“I am absolutely certain …”

“Surely you must agree …”


Over the next few weeks, you may hear your children adding some argumentative words and phrases into their vocabulary – but DON’T PANIC! This is not a sign of rebellion, merely a sign that the Debating Festival has begun!


During the next fortnight, participating students will organise themselves into teams of four – three speakers and a researcher. Together, during class time, they will carefully consider their debating topic: noting arguments for or against, finding facts, statistics and other evidence to support their arguments, and begin writing their speeches. Classroom teachers will help guide and support students throughout this process and also coach students in how to deliver their speeches.


In class, teachers will explain and model to students how to speak with the right pace, tone, language and body language to engage an audience while presenting an argument. Students will be given plenty of time to practise, develop and extend their speaking skills. Listening skills will also be a big focus; students will practise listening critically to the other side’s argument and using what is heard to develop a well-reasoned rebuttal.


Learning how to debate and becoming familiar with debating protocols is beneficial for students in many ways. Developing keen public speaking skills, critical listening skills, building self-confidence and team work.


So, let the Festival begin!