The Science of Study

Tips to Help Students Prepare for Studying!
There is a lot of research and evidence that show the best techniques for study and also the best ways to prepare your study time and spaces. And the good news is, anyone can adopt these techniques and start studying towards success! This week we are featuring Steps 4 & 5.
Step 4: Have a Positive Growth Mindset for Study & Learning
When you study, give 110%. Do it in a focused and proper way, avoid any kinds of distractions and use the time you have to the maximum!
Too many people look at studying as a necessary task, not an opportunity to learn. That’s fine, but researchers have found that how you approach something matters almost as much as what you do. Being in the right mindset is important in order to study smarter.
Sometimes, you can’t “force” yourself to be in the right mindset, and it is during such times you should simply avoid studying. Come back to it when you’re focused!
• Aim to think positively when you study, and remind yourself of your skills and abilities.
• Avoid catastrophic thinking. Instead of thinking “I’m a mess, I’ll never have enough time to study for this exam,” look at it like, “I may be a little late to study as much as I’d planned to but since I’m doing it now, I’ll get most of it done.
• Avoid absolute thinking. Instead of thinking “I always mess things up”, the more objective view is “I didn’t do so well that time, what can I do to improve?”
• Avoid comparing yourself with others because you usually just end up feeling bad about yourself. Your skills and abilities are unique to you, and you alone.
Step 5: Choose Techniques that Actually Work
Doing all-nighters before SACs and Exams will not only exhaust you but will also force you to rush through the material.
Instead, try spending the first half hour of your study time reviewing your day’s work at school, make summaries or do an exercise, and quiz yourself on what was covered. Do you understand it? How could you use it in an exam? Based on decades of Learning Science research, the two most effective methods known to date are:
- Distributed practice
- Retrieval Practice (practice testing)
Stay tuned for more tips in our next Newsletter or download the attachment for all the steps and detailed recommendations to prepare your study space, get organised, manage your time and study effectively.
Have You Tried This?
- Distributed Practice and the Forgetting Curve?
- The Pomodoro Technique?
- Retrieval Practice?
In the attachment below you will find vital information about these effective study techniques. We encourage parents to encourage students to use these techniques to study effectively.
Students are always welcome to come and speak with us about ways they can improve their study practice.
David Black, Tim Pearson
& Darren Hoogkamer
Senior School Leaders