Staff in the Spotlight

With so many staff joining our team this year, we would like to give our school community the opportunity to get to know our new teachers in a fun way. Each week we will be spotlighting a new staff member and sharing with you all sorts of fun and interesting stories about who they are and most importantly, why they became a teacher and what they love most about teaching!
This week we are spotlighting Tim Knowles.
Tim joined our staff at the beginning of the year as an Applied Learning VM and Science teacher. This term, we are very excited to have Tim move into the Senior Team and work alongside the Pathways team as a Careers Practitioner. replacing Phil Newnham. Tim has a wealth of experience in this area and we are excited to have him join our growing team!
How long have you been teaching?
19 years!!!
What is your role in Sub School?
Careers Practitioner
Why did you decide to become a teacher and/or leader?
I was studying Psychology at University and wasn't sure where I was headed with that. I was told I would make a good teacher and as they say, the rest is history.
What is the best thing about teaching and/or working in the subschool team?
I get to work with students in a positive way, guiding them on future study options and giving careers advice to help guide students in the right direction.
What has been one of your best teaching moments?
Too many to name. I do enjoy it when students get back in contact once they leave school and let me know what they are up to. And the thanks they give is always nice.
What are three things your colleagues and/or your students would say about you?
Funny, positive and barracks for the best football team - Collingwood.
What is the weirdest or strangest thing that has happened to you?
I broke my arm playing basketball in Year 12 in the September school holidays and I had to complete my final exams left handed and with a scribe.
What is your idea of a perfect weekend?
Nice relaxing time with my family, not doing too much running around with kids activities.
If you could invite 5 people to a dinner party, who would you invite and why?
I would have to say my wife and my four children. In the busy life that we lead with the kid's activities, we rarely get to sit down all together and have dinner, so it is nice when we do.
What is the one piece of 'advice' or the one thing that you always say to your students?
Make sure you do your best and you come out of school with no regrets, then what will be will be. There are always pathways to where you want to be.