News from the Library

Interested in Playing Dungeons & Dragons?
Open to all students, experienced or new to the game. Games will be run every two weeks during lunchtime, at the Librarly. Contact Talea-Jane Simpson (TSI) via email or Teams to express your interest!
Get the classic novel Dracula delivered to your email inbox, as it happens.
"Bram Stoker’s Dracula is an epistolary novel - it’s made up of letters, diaries, telegrams, newspaper clippings - and every part of it has a date. The whole story happens between May 3 and November 7. So: Dracula Daily will post a newsletter each day that something happens to the characters, in the same timeline that it happens to them. Now you can read the book via email, in small digestible chunks - as it happens to the characters."
Description from Dracula Daily.
Sign up here if you would like to receive the Dracula Daily newsletter to your inbox, and join the many thousands of people around the world rediscovering this classic novel.
April Artisan of the Month
Congratulations to the following winners of the April AotM:
Student: Tegan Burns 'Dragon in the Mountains'
Staff: Amber Thomson 'Cooper'
Family & Friends: Adam Hii (Submitted by Corina Tay) 'Brother'
May Artisan of the Month is Now Open!
You are encouraged to enter anything creative - photos, drawings, sewing, knitting, carpentry, pottery, origami, an original piece of music, decorated cake etc. so long as it can be submitted digitally (eg photo or sound recording).
There are three categories (Students, Staff, and Family & Friends) with a prize for the winning student entry (winners of the Staff and F&F categories get honour and glory).
Submissions can be emailed by 8pm Sunday 28 May (end of Week 5, Term 2) to:
If it is a Family & Friends submission, please mention which student or staff member you are connected to. Up to 5 entries permitted per person, preferably in jpeg or png format.
By submitting, you agree to have your entry published to the school community (on Teams, in the College Yearbook, etc). Please contact me if you want to submit but prefer to keep your work anonymous.
Past entries can be viewed in the AotM Gallery at the top of the Library Teams channel. We look forward to seeing your creative output!
Joanne Montgomery
Library Manager