Year 9 City Experience
Senior School
Year 9 City Experience
Senior School
REMINDER: Payment Due Today, 5 May
See Compass Event for details.
In Term 2, all Year 9 students will be undertaking City Experience inorder to develop an understanding of the concept of urbanisation and the effects of large groups of people living and working together in a concentrated space.
City Experience is a fantastic opportunity for students to develop a broader understanding of their home city of Melbourne, how it operates and the civic institutions that support it.
Throughout this week students will engage in a number of activities exploring Melbourne city and what it has to offer. Students will take an in-depth look at issues beyond the classroom and learn about homelessness and social enterprises. They will also have the opportunity to explore, food, fashion, sport and culture within Melbourne and how each of these make our City truly unique.
Students will travel on Public Transport to, and from the City, each day which helps build responsibility and confidence, with students becoming more independent by the end of the week.
Students who do not attend the City for the week are required to come to school where they will undertake a similar program using school-based resources.
The City Experience program will run every Wednesday for Term 2, as follows:
Weeks 1-4 : Preparation work
Week 5: City Experience week (every day in Melbourne or school-based program)
Week 6-9: Evaluation of City Experience program and presentations
We will be offering further information for parents/guardians closer to the event.
Tim Pearson
Senior School Leader