Learning Community 2

Maxine Howard and Sarah Munday

Term 2 is off to a great start with students hitting the ground running - literally! We ended a great first week of term with our Cross Country event. It was a fantastic morning and it was wonderful to see students trying their best and encouraging one another. Also in Week 1 was ANZAC Day. Students engaged in Reading and Writing activities learning about the history of our ANZAC's and the importance of keeping the ANZAC memory alive. In Maths we did some revision of addition and subtraction, and completed some assessments to prepare for the term ahead. 


This term our topic is about animals and the environment, allowing us to move into exploring non-fiction texts. In Reading and Writing we have been working to identify and explain the purpose of different text features. In Maths we have been learning about Multiplication. We had lots of fun exploring arrays and making an 'Array City'. In Topic, we learnt about the different types of vegetation found across Australia. We look forward to learning more about our environment and animals in the lead up to our Melbourne Zoo excursion on the 18th of May. Details about the excursion can be found on Compass. 


We also welcome Mr Hudson into 3/4Munday. Mr Hudson is completing his final placement over the next four weeks. Please feel free to come in and introduce yourself to him. 


3/4M: Kye C - For being a positive role model by always demonstrating respect, responsibility and resilience. Ms Munday is so proud to have Kye in her grade because he is AWESOME!


3/4X: Rhett - For the great detail he puts into his work, and always trying his very best. Well done, Rhett!


3/4X: Harla - For trying her best in everything and being a great friend to everyone. You are a star, Harla! 


Cross Country

Array City

Australian Vegetation