Learning Community 1

Jane Guy, Kelly Smith and Kate Stoll

Prep Guy

In Reading last week and this week we revised all letters of the alphabet and the most common sounds they make. On Monday we learnt about ANZAC Day by cooking ANZAC biscuits. We continued to learn how to read the most common words that students come across in reading and writing and we worked on fiction texts and their features. Please try to listen to your child read every afternoon.  In Writing we worked on forming our letters in the sky, grass and dirt paper, worked on our recount writing and wrote about our Stars of the Week which were chosen by their classmates. In Maths we revised numbers to 10, in numeral, word and number of items. We looked at which numbers are the largest, smallest, what comer comes before and after given numbers and we began looking at numbers with MAB. Well done to everyone for showing amazing resilience in our cross country run and thank you to Mr Craig for his organisation. 


On Wednesday we were lucky to be involved in painting bandicoot boxes as part of the Railway project in our area. Students cane to school in old clothes and painted these new homes for our displaced bandicoots. 


We welcome Lisa Donaldson to our grade. Lisa is a final placement preservice teacher who will be working in the Prep rooms for the next four weeks. We also welcome Ryda and Lylah our new Prep students.


Student Of The Week

Last week our Star of the week, student was Denver. Denver was chosen for his great role modelling or resilience, responsible choices and respectful nature. This week we had three students of the Week. Two were to Ryda and Lylah for settling into Bunyip Primary School so well. Darcy was chosen as our Star of the Week student by his classmates for showing our school values all of the time. Well done everyone, we are so very proud of you. 


If students are chosen by their classmates as the Star Of The Week they get to bring Sonic, our class teddy home for a week. We write a booklet about them and they get to do all the special jobs for our grade. They also get to sit on a special chair to complete the roll, wearing their special cape and sit with three special friends to do the learning activities. 


1/2 Smith and 1/2 Stoll

It has been wonderful to have all our students return to school for Term 2. We were excited to see everyone back.


In Reading we have started looking at Non-Fiction text features and comprehension strategies. We will also have a strong focus on sight words and decoding strategies. In Writing we are beginning to look at Persuasive writing and again will look at spelling common words as well as looking at different spelling patterns. This week we looked at 'th' as in thumb. 

Some students will have brought home spelling flash cards. These are words that your child needs to learn and would be great if you had a chance to practice these with your children. You could play Snap or Go Fish or just use them as cards to read.

In Maths we have measured the length of various objects using a variety of items such as our hands and feet, and glue sticks and pencils. We have also been incorporating sport into our addition lessons and have enjoyed going out to kick balls in between the rain.

Mrs Beilby begins work with the Junior Team next week, and we are so excited! She will be taking different students from all 3 classes in similar ability groups. They aren't intervention groups, but will be supporting the current learning in our classrooms. Please come and see your classroom teacher or Mrs Beilby if you have any questions about how this is working.