Principal's Reports

Jeff Smit

What a whirlwind of a start to Term 2.  I would like to thank the entire community for being so welcoming and to those that have come up an had a chat.   The students definitely were not shy in coming forward and their manners in doing so have been very impressive.  It was interesting to learn this week that on a Monday if your team won on the weekend, you wear your team colours……….hmmmm not sure I like this idea at the moment,  might be a while before I can wear the Brown & Gold 😊


Cross Country 

The weather was kind last Friday for our cross country.  It was a very colourful sight, seeing the school march its way down to the football ground.  Some students were very creative in the way they dressed up for the day.   I was most impressed with the way students cheered and supported each other.  A big thank you to Mr Craig and the Bunyip staff for making the event a successful one.



There was a great turn out at the local ANZAC Day service.  I thank the students for being in school uniform and the parents and staff that were in attendance.



As communicated this week we have made some staffing changes.  As a school we faced some challenges filling teaching positions within the school.  This is not just a Bunyip PS challenge it is one many schools are facing across the state. Last term Leadership made the decision to provide greater support for the junior school with their increased enrolment numbers while trying to maintain lower class sizes in the senior school.  As I understand this can have an impact on some students, I can ensure the community that the decision to make the changes was not taken lightly and that all decisions were made in the best interests of the entire school within the resources we have available.


Jeff Smit
