Principal's Message

St Luke's... "nurturing faith filled, curious children to become creative contributors and innovative problem solvers for a changing world."

Dear Parents and Carers,


As we approach the Easter break, I wanted to take a moment to wish you and your families a holy, happy and safe holiday. This is a time for us to reflect on the important things in life and spend quality time with those we love.


We have really tried hard as a school this year to foster a sense of community within St Luke’s. As you may know, we have a K-12 active wellbeing focus, with proactive programs ongoing throughout the year, and teachers and leaders have worked hard to ensure that we are reflective and responsive in these programs and they are continuing to grow and adapt and improve over time. 


One area that we recognise has been difficult over the past few years particularly has been parent involvement. We recognise though, that this is an essential part of the partnership between parents and school. This term, we have seen a few more events that parents have been invited to such as the stage liturgies throughout the term, parent learning walks and open days. There have also been a number of information evenings throughout the year so far. 



Information evenings are a fantastic opportunity for parents to learn more about their child's education and school community. The year 7 Discovery evening, for example, which happened this week, is  important as it marks the transition to secondary school, which can be an exciting yet daunting time for both parents and students. Attending this evening can help parents feel more informed and confident in supporting their child through this transition. Additionally, the information shared at the evening can give parents insight into the curriculum, expectations, and opportunities available to their child. It can also be an opportunity to meet the teachers and other parents, creating a sense of community and support. 


These information evenings are a great way for parents to gain valuable knowledge and feel connected to their child's education. A number of these are planned for throughout the year, and we would encourage you to attend, even if just to meet other parents and hear the same stories and frustrations. 


We would also encourage you to communicate with us if you have any concerns.   You can always email the stage emails or the front office with any questions you may have, or concerns about your child. There were some issues that were raised by parents at the Discovery evening about their individual child and their needs, that we would have loved to know earlier. We are always here for you and looking to do the best for your child, and communication is one of the most important things. 


Finally, I want to thank you for your continued support and partnership with our school. We look forward to welcoming your child back after the break and continuing to work together to provide the best possible education for them.


Wishing you a happy Easter and a relaxing break.


Kind regards


Mrs Kelly Bauer

Principal Leader