Star Students of the fortnight

Star Students for the Fortnight
Junior Years
Mr Enright:
Sartaj Singh for doing a fantastic job during rubbish pick up.
Antonette Del Rosario for always Completing her work to a high standard.
Well done Antonette!
Miss Turk:
Hudson Clark-Lawrence for asking his peers great questions during news time.
Leora Kanakkahewa for always being a wonderful role model in our classroom.
Thank you for always doing your best, Leora!
Mrs Weber:
Charlotte Corbo for her excellent work ethic and for leading by example in our classroom. Amazing work Charlotte!
Arlo Ormiston for showing great enjoyment and enthusiasm when listening to
stories on the floor. Terrific work Arlo!
Mr Morrison:
Manushri Narayan for making great progress with her reading.
Excellent job Manushri.
Harshan Aulakh for his excellent work in maths with addition and subtraction.
Great Job Harshan.
Miss Finn:
AJ Miller for trying his hardest to improve his writing skills.
Well done AJ!
Peyton Wileman for showing improvement on her spelling skills.
Keep it up Peyton!
Mr Maskell:
Letti Burney for having a positive attitude and staying focused on tasks.
Radhi Chol for trying his best to complete work and improving his number skills.
Mr Andronaco:
Kristen Espiridion for her great achievements in her essential assessment.
Well done Kristen!
Penny Corbo for her hard work in improving her reading level.
Well done Penny!
Miss Sidebottom:
Adithyan Abhilash for always having a go at every task.
Aden Kuttikkeril Renjith for his amazing efforts in writing.
Keep up the great work Aden!
Middle Years
Mr O'Hara:
Ivan John for creating an amazing exploded flower diagram to show
how the different parts of a flower help it to survive.
Great work Ivan!
Daley Tunumafono
For his enthusiasm to participate and amazing performance during Andrew Chinn’s workshop and concert. Super effort Daley!
Mr Secchi:
Mehransh Dhanoafor the positive attitude she has shown towards her maths this week. She has improved and built confidence both her mental and written multiplication!
Keep up the great work!
Sara Tawde for an excellent investigation into the survival of plants, and after dissecting a flower, creating a beautiful and informative poster to show her learning.
Keep up the fantastic work!
Mr Renato:
Rian for creating a detailed tree explaining what they need to survive and thrive.
Rian always completes his work to a high standard.
Well-Done Rian, well deserved.
Jasmine E for completing a creative piece about one of the islands St. Brendan visited.
Her page was colorful and well drawn. Jasmine also always shows a can-do attitude
in math sessions.
Mrs Dainton:
Layla for her consistency and persistence in her Reading.
She is reading well and is enjoying her time to share in the classroom.
Melissa for her continual persistence and hard work in the classroom.
Melissa is helpful in the classroom and helps her classmates as well.
Well Done Melissa !
Mr Howley:
Max for his neat and detailed presentation of his work in the inquiry task of
labelling the parts of a plant.
Noah for his detailed story about his dogs. He used capital letters and full stops.
Senior Years
Mr Beks:
Grace Miksad for being a very polite member of the classroom and completing some very good writing pieces this term.
Deng Agog
For a really good improvement in understanding the classroom norms, expectations and always trying his best in all learning tasks.
Mr Lindon:
Nitya Advani for her outstanding work ethic in all areas of her learning and for consistently being brilliantly behaved in the classroom.
Mr Iorianni:
Isabella Tricarico for her continuation of building her confidence and speaking in class discussions and learning.
Scarlett Kelly for her awesome singing and participation in the Andrew Chinn concert. Well done Scarlett!
Mr Thompson:
Georgia Ralston for completing fantastic work in her daily math lessons,
focusing on fractions!
Lola Hoare for her excellent participation and positive attitude that she brings to the classroom every day
Miss Mangiameli
Priscilla Care for bringing her creative flare to the classroom, and continuing to build her confidence into her learning. Well Done!
Tara Ottawall for starting to voice your thoughts and ideas, and sharing your knowledge with us in our learning! Keep building that confidence!