Wellbeing - Assistant Principal 

Marcus Leonard

Wellbeing at HEPS Curriculum Day


Last Wednesday's curriculum day was an opportunity for all HEPS teachers and Education Support staff to share and learn about all the wonderful elements that make up our Wellbeing program.  It provided an opportunity for staff to continue developing our consistent approach in teaching our students how to be happy and responsible members of the community.  There were several presentations on the day that covered the wide ranging wellbeing program that our students benefit from.  There was a lot of learning (all presentations were designed by HEPS teachers), a lot of laughs and a lot of time for planning rich and engaging wellbeing lessons.

The above drawing was completed by Harper Rogers in Level 6.  It represents how the elements of the HEPS Wellbeing Program fit together.   You will notice that the vase or pot is labelled with SWPBS (School Wide Positive Behaviour).  This is because SWPBS holds everything else we do in wellbeing together.  In a nutshell, SWPBS are the behaviours we see from our students when everything is working as it should.  It is the structures that allow our students to exhibit our values of Respect, Resilience, Teamwork and Growth.  As you can see there are several elements inside the pot as well.  The element at the top is Connection which has been a whole school focus throughout the year.  Connection between students, families and teachers.  Positive Education is the language that we use as a school to ensure that our students are flourishing, as well as the basis for our multi-age Connect Groups.  Friendology is our exciting new program that focuses on building skills so that students can enjoy healthy relationships for the rest of their lives.  We are really excited to be launching Friendology school-wide on May 22nd.  Respectful Relationships is curriculum area in which students are taught how to keep themselves safe and be safe towards others.  Similarly, E-Safety involves the teaching of skills with respect to the internet and how to safely navigate online interactions.  


Friendology Parent Information Session

It was lovely to see so many parents turn out for our Friendology information session last Wednesday.  It was a great opportunity to explain why it is so important for young people to understand the language of friendship so that they can experience happy and healthy relationships.  As with all HEPS initiatives, Friendology will work most effectively if it is understood and supported by the school community.  This will help our students succeed as they will receive consistent messaging about friendship at school as well as at home.