School News





Fun Run 2023: 

On Wednesday the 3rd of May our school participated in a Fun Run at Haines Reserve. Leading up to the Fun Run our school was able to raise a massive $19,211! Thank you to all families for helping us to achieve this goal, with class 3C raising the most money! Great work!

Despite the rain and cold weather, we all had a great day at the Fun Run with Foundation, Grade One and Grade Two students running first, followed by Grades 3 and 5 and the Grade 4 and 6 students finished our day.

Hovell House and Buckley House won with the most points gained throughout the day! 


Thank you to all students who ran and for the parents who came and supported the students.





Cross Country 2023: 

On Tuesday the 2nd of May, 45 students from grade 3 to 6 went to the District cross country at Presidents Park in Werribee. Our students competed against other students in their age group from schools in the area, Manor Lakes Primary School, St Joseph’s Primary School, Ngarri Primary School, Riverbend Primary School, Iramoo Primary School and OLSC Primary School. With the 8,9- and 10-year-old ages groups running 2km and the 11- and 12/13-year-old age groups running 3 km.

Despite competing against some great runners, Wyndham Vale finished 1st and brought the trophy home!


We had an impressive 18 students who ran in the top 10 for their age group. These students have advanced to the next stage of Cross Country! Amazing effort, well done to these students!

  • Eniope (5E)
  • Hannah (4C)
  • Miki (4H)
  • Isaac (4E)
  • Ashton (4C)
  • Harrison (4C)
  • Rylan (4C)
  • Riley (5F)
  • Rocky (4C)
  • Abdi (5B)
  • Vishtnu (6F)
  • Jedidiah (5B) 
  • Ehsan (5F)
  • Zara (6C)
  • Jackson (6D)
  • Yemi (6C)
  • Natoly (6F)
  • Laney (6A)


It was a very successful day for Wyndham Vale Primary, great work to all students who participated in the day and to the parents who came and supported our students.







                  Mother's Day Stall

Thursday 11th  Grades 3, Grades 4, Grades 5 and Grade 6

Friday 12th        Foundation, Grade 1 and Grade 2







Year 6 Incursion – Graffiti Prevention and Life Skills (Warner Education funded by Wyndham City Council) 

Year 6 students will take part in the Graffiti Prevention and Life Skills incursion on Monday 22nd May 2023.  This inspiring and motivational incursion teaches students about the consequences of graffiti, particularly tagging and the difference between street art and graffiti. 

The presentation also introduces the topic through more holistic themes, such as respect, choices and consequences, building resilience and self-esteem.  

Students and teachers find the program highly motivational as it introduces students to peer pressure situations and offers real life self-help strategies that work. It is also a great way to bring students together to talk about peer pressure and how to support one another.



                                                  Grade 6 Camp


On Monday our grade sixes, their teachers and a few other staff members travelled to Anglesea for our annual grade six camp. Despite the cold and cloudy conditions, there was plenty of sunshine to enjoy an array of amazing and fun activities. Students completed team building activities such as raft making and radio rogaine that got them to work with others from across the year level. They also chose a personal challenge and pushed themselves to reach goals on the giant swing and vertical challenge. Camp ended with a day at the beach where some students went surfing while others completed a series of games to collect points for their team with orange team returning to camp victorious. While camp is done for another year, students and staff alike have walked away with many amazing memories and great stories to tell others about their time at the YMCA.







All late comers need to go straight to Ms. Dalton to be signed in.







Please remember to label you child's uniform with their name. We have many items of clothing in lost property that we cannot return because there is no name on the items.