Parents and Friends Association

Dates for your Diary

PFA Meetings - Tuesday June 6. Various locations - 7 for 7.30pm start


Term 2 

12th May - Mother’s Day Morning Tea

29th May - Cake Stall 3.30pm

18th June - PFA Parent Drinks, Woodend RSL


Mother’s Day Morning Tea - Friday 12th May 

Mothers and Grandmothers - to celebrate the contribution you make to our lives and community, you are invited to a special shared Morning Tea on Friday 12th May. 7.45am - 9.15am in the School Courtyard / Hall. Rafael’s Coffee Van will be onsite for you to buy coffees, and the PFA will provide cups of tea in the Hall. Please bring a clean 'keep cup' if you have one, and cash for the coffee van (in case the EFTPOS connection is slow)


A huge thank you to all who have volunteered to help or bring a plate of food to share. We look forward to welcoming our Mum’s tomorrow!


PFA Cake Stall - Monday May 29th at 3.30pm

One of the major roles of the PFA is to raise funds to support improvements, projects and events at our school. This term we are holding the ever popular cake stall, and we hope you will get on board by bringing along baked goods, jam/chutneys, garden produce etc. If you’re not a baker/gardener, please come along and purchase something in the afternoon! All baked goods need to packaged, are not to contain cream fillings or uncooked eggs. Please also attach a label with a full list of ingredients. Drop-off of items is between 8.30-9.15am, or between 2 - 3pm. Items will be priced and available to purchase after school from 3.30pm-4.30pm (or until sold out). (We have chosen this date, so that hopefully people are free to bake/prepare on the weekend just prior!)


Save the date!! PFA Parent Drinks - Woodend RSL - 2.30pm, Sunday 18th of June. Gather some friends and book a babysitter!


Stuck On You Fundraiser

Support our fundraiser and never go to lost property again! Order through Stuck On You for iron-on clothing labels, stickers for lunchboxes, water bottles and more. Woodend Primary School will receive a commission of 20% from all sales purchased using the fundraising code “WoodendPS" at the checkout or purchased through this link:

There are tons of great designs and everything can be personalised.


Facebook Pages 

There are two pages you may like to join - one run by the School Office, and one for Parents and Friends of WPS. Here are the links to join: - Woodend Primary School - Woodend Primary School 

Parents and Friends Community (You must answer the membership questions so that we can establish your connection to the school)

Thank you,



PFA Communications and Class Rep Liaison

Monique Ho