WPS Community Children’s Garden

With the winter chill now upon us, we’ve been salvaging the tomatoes and pumpkins, ripping out the frost-bitten plants and preparing the garden beds to plant new winter veg. 


We have a truck load of green cherry tomatoes - free to anyone who can use them. Give me a buzz if you want some.


I’ve already made lots of Sweet Green Tomato Jam and Spicey Green Tomato Cake (see photo for recipe). A huge hit with the kids! 😊

picking carrots
picking carrots
frost bitten tomatoes
green tomatoes
pulling pumpkins
removing dead tomotoes
frost bitten tomatoes
green tomatoes
pulling pumpkins
removing dead tomotoes
WPS Children’s Garden Club
Where:  Woodend Community Children’s Garden (Buckland St, Woodend)
When: 12.40-2.00pm Mondays - parent help required to run lunchtime Kid’s Garden Club
 2.00-3.30pm Mondays - parent’s gardening group
BYO: Bring your enthusiasm and desire to join in (No gardening knowhow needed). Please wear sturdy shoes, gardening gloves and weather appropriate clothing. Pre-school age children are welcome too
Sign in:

Please sign in at the Office before gardening 

(Working With Children Check required)

Contact: Nicole Middleton 0418 233 366

You don’t have to commit to every Monday. Once a month, once a term or any commitment all helps. 

Volunteer Gardening Group Facilitator

Nicole Middleton - 0418 233 366