Year 7 & Year 10 Immunisations Information Wednesday 10th May
It is important that student eat breakfast in the morning before they have their immunisations and that Students wear appropriate uniform for easy access to their upper arms (school dresses although they have short sleeves are difficult to pull up requiring female students to partially disrobe to gain access to the upper arm).
It is advisable that students should not receive their COVID-19 immunisation close to their secondary school immunisations. It is ESSENTIAL that you notify the immunisation team if your child is planning to have their COVID-19 immunisation during this time or if they have had their Year 7 or 10 immunisations elsewhere along with the date administered. This is to ensure they are not immunised when they attend their school. If you are unsure or have any questions please email or call 56629200.”
Mask wearing
- “Coronavirus website recommends wearing a mask (as at 22 Nov 2022): for at least 7 days if you have COVID-19 and you need to leave home, you are indoors, or you cannot maintain physical distance and If you are a close contact and you need to leave home. This is especially if they are at a higher risk of serious illness from COVID-19 ”
Is there a recommended interval between COVID-19 vaccines and other vaccines?
Relevant advice from ATAGI (Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation):
There is potential for an increase in mild to moderate adverse events when more than one vaccine is given at the same time. Co-administration or near administration (eg within days) with another vaccine may also make it challenging to attribute potential adverse events”.
Even though they can be given together, it is advisable that (to reduce the potential increased likelihood of adverse events) students should not receive their Covid vaccination close to their secondary school immunisations.