On the afternoon of the 27th of April, KSC held the whole school cross country event. The skies cleared after a morning shower, and students ran their 3km or 5km events depending on their age group.


On the day, we ran out of time to collate the results, so presentations were held the following Monday in the top gym.


Congratulations to all the students who participated, particularly those who won age champion in their age group.


Age Group Champions

Girls 12-13 – Nya Kill

Boys 12-13 – Kade Zealley

Girls 14 – Tara Zealley

Boys 14 – Johnny Wilson

Girls 15 – Abby Kill

Boys 15 – Max Fowles

Girls 16 – Naomi Pether

Boys 16 – Raoni Althorp

Girls 17-20 – Jacquline Turton

Boys 17-20 – Tarkyn Taylor-Wilton


Interschool Cross Country will be held on Monday the 15th of May at Mary MacKillop in Leongatha.