Principal's Page

Kia Ora Koutou


This is our second newsletter for this term. I have decided to change the frequency of our newsletters to once a fortnight. As regular readers know, each newsletter is quite full and comprehensive. By sending it out fortnightly, it allows a bit more time to read and digest it all. It also allows me a bit more time to gather together the best articles and ideas and put them into a newsletter that is accessible and relevant to you all.


Most weeks, around 500 people read our newsletter; hopefully, by writing less often, we will have a less is more result with better quality the result. We shall see.

Last year I shared with you a few reminders about the importance of aiming for 100% attendance. There was a Ministry campaign centred on "Every Day Matters".


Extensive research shows that every day engaged in school and the classroom leads to life success, just as every absence – excused or unexcused – and regular lateness creates a downward pattern. There has been an alarming trend in chronic absenteeism nationwide, including significant difficulties in re-engaging students after COVID. 


It is a sobering thought that though 90% attendance is a very positive achievement, 90% attendance would mean a child has missed a whole year of learning by age 15. 


Regular attendance matters:

Attending school every day helps children build a routine and establish good habits, which are essential life skills that will benefit them throughout their lives. Children learn the importance of punctuality, responsibility, and time management, which are critical skills they will need to succeed academically and personally.


Regular attendance ensures that children do not miss out on vital lessons and knowledge that they need to succeed as learners. Every day, teachers introduce new concepts and ideas, and by attending school regularly, children can stay on track and build on their learning. This core learning is the foundation children stand on as they develop their interests and grow their strengths. It will help them achieve their goals and aspirations.


Attending school every day helps children develop social skills and build relationships. School provides a safe and supportive environment where children can learn to interact with others, make friends, and work together as a team. These social skills help them develop strong communication skills and confidence, which are so important in life success.


Regular attendance is also essential for children's overall health and well-being. School provides a structured environment that encourages physical activity and healthy eating habits, which are essential for maintaining good health. School is also a place where children can access support and guidance from teachers and other professionals, which helps them learn and grow.


The final benefit regarding attendance is the acquisition of values and practices that support and encourage our children to be caring, connected, concerned and contributing citizens. At Western Heights, this is a particular focus - we seek to develop and nurture the whole child. Our learning programme is based on this philosophy. Reading, writing and maths are the foundation for learning and life. To be a success in life requires so much more as well. Hope, confidence, interpersonal skills, an inquiring mind, the ability to ask good questions, a kind and empathetic heart, self-reflection, goal setting, determination, perseverance, and passion - it's a long list and no small task. This is why we put so much effort into finding and keeping the very best people possible to work with our precious children at Western Heights.


Our attendance data this year is very positive. I am certain a big factor in this is that our children love their teachers and love their learning so much that they want to be here every day they can. We encourage you to do all you can to ensure your children are at school every day and are well enough to be here. Let us know if you are facing challenges in getting your child to school. There are lots of ways we can help, and we want to do all we can to support our community and achieve 100% attendance.

As always - if you have questions or concerns about anything school-related - email me at, and I will get back to you asap.


Take care all -

 tofa soifua

noho ora mai








Ash Maindonald
