Principal's Report
Welcome to Term Two and what a great start we've had!
Our staff returned last Monday to a professional learning day where the focus was on students. Our Students then returned on Wednesday where the focus was on acknowledging Anzac Day and they are to be commended for the respect they demonstrated on this day.
Earlier this week we hosted our 2024 Year 7 enrolment night. This night was well attended and I thank all involved in the planning and preparation of this evening.
I would like to congratulate a number of our students for their recent sporting successes. Ava Irwin who competed in the State Interschools Equestrian during the holidays, our four Tennis teams who represented us at the LMR competition in Mildura, our students who went to the State Swimming finals in Melbourne with special contratulations to our Year 7 student, Ayla McAsey who will represent us at the National Swimming Finals in Sydney, later in the year.
We are certainly edging closer to moving our current Year 7 students to our new Kildare Campus. This is a very exciting for our community. We are currently working towards Monday 29 May as the day all Year 7 studnets and Kildare staff will be onsite.
There will be more communication with Year 7 families in the coming weeks. While we make this move, the excitement continues with Stage 2 of building works also beginning in the next few weeks.
At this time of the year; the shift to colder weather, wind and rain, an increase in assessments, the ongoing challenge of learning new content and skills, students can at times misbehave. Whilst they are teenagers and testing the boundaries can be a part of growing in to adulthood. The College has clear behaviour expectations, we set clear boundaries for all students and I ask that parents and carers support us in partnership. We want the very best of outcomes for our students and parents do too, but it is when we work together that we optimize opportunities for our students to flourish.
God Bless.
Anne Marie Cairns