From the Principal

Welcome back to all our students and families  - we are really looking forward to a fantastic term 3!

Our whole school focus this term is to build positive dispositions to life and learning.

We are implementing a program called “Bounce Back”. This program is designed to build resilience and persistence in our students.

Research indicates that when we are resilient and can bounce back from disappointments or challenging situations – learning outcomes improve considerably.

We have also set up an Interoception room in the STEM area.

Interoception is the ability to notice the signs in our bodies that tell us we are angry, frightened, anxious or excited. Not all children have the ability to read these signs and so sometimes have difficulty regulating their behaviour.

All staff and students are being trained in what Interoception means and in strategies to help them notice their body signs and also to self regulate through exercise and calming activities.

We have two staff members who support the students if they visit the Interoception room.

We are looking forward to the positive impact these strategies will have on student behaviour.

If you have not yet booked a time for an interview please contact your child's class teacher via email or class Dojo/Seesaw to arrange a phone interview.


Kind regards,
