Classroom News - Year 1

Mrs Flynn and Mrs Suluma

Term 3 - Here We Go!


Year 1 have started the term well and students were excited to catch up with their friends! 


 A warm welcome to Lara Thavapalasundaram. We hope you have a lovely learning experience here at St Mary's.


In English, we are revising nouns, verbs, adjectives and the long vowel sounds. We are learning plurals and the use of the suffix 's' in words. Big Write continues and students are working closely with The VCOP Gang. A reminder that students should still be reading each night at home and they can do this by accessing the PM reading collection (details were sent home last term). Students can also be practising reading and writing their Tricky Words. This week we are starting to learn Set 7.


Students highlighting their Big Write to check their outstanding Openers.

In Mathematics we have been working with Multiplication and Division. We have been making groups of items. Next week we will start work on Position.


We have started our Science and Technology unit this term and are integrating this with Visual Arts. So far we have been investigating the path the sun takes in the sky and the changes that occur in landscapes when this happened. We have also investigated how the Impressionists liked to paint and the importance of light in their work. We had a go at creating a sunrise in the style of Monet using chalk pastels on black paper.


Artists at work ...


In Personal Development Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) students are learning to identify, describe and encourage each other's strengths.


Warm up during PE - Dome Flip

Celebrating our learning growth and hard work.