Religious Education





Enrolment Night - will be held in the Cathedral next Wednesday night, 6th August, at 6pm. Due to the COVID restrictions numbers are limited to one adult per family.  Further information regarding planning, dates and the ongoing impact of COVID 19 on the organisation of sacraments will be explained.


Yr 3 students at St Mary's school will be prepared for their sacraments within their RE lessons on class.  This is due to COVID restrictions. 


Dates to Remember

Parent Night - Wednesday 5th August, 6pm Cathedral

First Reconciliation - Thursday 17th September

First Holy Communion - Sunday 20th September


Confirmation - Sunday 15th November



During this week the children will be participating in a lesson for the Diocesan Marriage and Family week, which is taking place this week.  The theme is The Family: Passing on the Faith .  


The Church usually presents as the norm the “family” as a community of

committed-through-lifelong-marriage mother and father, and their children. But the Church is also aware that this is not the situation in which many people, including, very likely, some of our students find themselves. As in many things, the Church simultaneously seeks to be a wise and authoritative teacher as well as showing loving care for people who find themselves, for whatever reason, unable to live in the way presented as an ideal. As representatives of the Church it is one of our responsibilities to make sure that no student and no family members sense a loss of personal dignity because of the way family life is discussed.


Here are links to some resource to assist you in sharing this week with your family.


Tips For Family Prayer - Parents Passing On The Faith


Nurturing Faith Series 1


Nurturing Faith Series 2