Student Wellbeing

Welcome to our ECSC Mental Health Practitioner.
I’d like to introduce myself, I’m the newest member of the Wellbeing team, my name is Kathryn Wakeling & I’ve recently started working as the Mental Health Practitioner (MHP) at ECSC. I will be available three days a week on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays.
My role is to provide counselling to students and to work with Chantelle on ECSC Wellbeing Activities. I am also available to answer your questions about mental health and Wellbeing. I’d love to hear from you, so please say hello when you see me around – or while we are doing remote learning, you can email me through Compass and we can arrange a time for me to have a chat.
Update from Student Wellbeing Coordinator - Chantelle Gianinotti
I would like to welcome Kathryn to the Wellbeing Team at Edgars Creek Secondary College and am excited to have her on board to help support students and families.
Exciting things happening in Wellbeing for students during this remote learning.
During the first week of September, Headspace will be conducting student webinars during their wellbeing sessions.
Headspace will be discussing the following;
What is mental health?
Feeling lost or disrupted, and exploring ways to feel more whole
Self-care, and planning self-care to maintain a variety
Offering support to a friend
How to find support for yourself
Headspace will also hold a Q&A at the end of the session to give students the opportunity to ask professionals questions regarding mental health and services Headpsace has to offer.
I would encourage you to encourage your child to attend this session! This is a great and rare opportunity for students and can gain information they may need during this time.
Edgars Creek Secondary College have also been selected, through a grant application process, to have PROJECT ROCKIT delivering online sessions for Year 7 students during term 3 and term 4.
PROJECT ROCKIT is all about empowering young people to challenge (cyber)bullying, support peers, navigate the online world safely and develop tools for digital wellbeing. Through critical thinking and reflection-based tasks, students will build a toolkit of strategies to make the most of the online world, while looking out for each other and creating meaningful connection.
A Wellbeing Newsletter has been created to help families with support services and information relevant to issues happening around us at the moment. This will be shared with you in the near future.
R U OK?Day is Thursday 10 September 2020.
It’s our national day of action when we remind Australians that every day is the day to ask, “Are you OK?” if someone in your world is struggling with life’s ups and downs.
Edgars Creek Secondary College will be celebrating this day in a virtual setting. More details to come!
If you require support for you or your child please contact the Wellbeing Team on
9134 8200 or alternatively email Chantelle or Kathryn through Compass.