Year 7 Report

Year 7 - Report
Year seven students have been adapting to their first year of high school very well regardless of the disruption that Covid has had. It has definitely been strange getting to know our year seven students remotely this year but we have enjoyed it nonetheless.
Teachers have been extremely proud and impressed by their work ethic and engagement during remote learning 2.0. Attendance is consistent and learning tasks are being completed consistently to a high standard. It has been great to see!
Students are reminded to follow their daily timetable on Compass (and posted by their home group teacher in their home group Google Classroom) as well as to answer the attendance question for each of their subjects in their Google Classroom pages. This ensures that students are marked present when they are online.
Here are some quotes from our year seven students reflecting on their time in remote learning so far
- "Remote learning has been great! I have enjoyed it."
- "Sometimes it can be stressful but I am learning how to manage stress better."
- "Remote learning is going really well, I really like it. It's an interesting experience!"
- "It gets a lot easier the more I do remote learning because we did it before so i know what to expect now."
- "It's going good but I prefer going to school better."