Principal's Report

Term 3 Update & Remote Learning
Hi Everyone,
The are days when I find it hard to believe that we are nearly at the end of August. With the leadership team we have begun recruitment for 2021; planning for how many home groups across the year levels; managing which selectives will be offered and chosen by students and ordering furniture for 2021 including a further 250 lockers. All of this is now done remotely including conducting interviews and all meetings online during this period of Stage 4 restrictions. I am just grateful we can continue to work in this way as there is always much to do in a growing and developing school like Edgars Creek.
It has been wonderful having the Edgars Creek Primary School (interim name) Principal - Ann Turner-Calleri working out of our College on some days. Enrolments are definitely coming in from local families in the area across Prep - 6. If you wish to contact Ann in regards to future primary school enrolments please call: 91348215. For our Secondary College we now have over 220 enrolments for Year 7 2021. This is very exciting as I really enjoy the energy of having lots of students on campus. We are now beginning to grow at the DET predicted rate and we will soon be the size of other large secondary colleges in the area.
I am sure as you take the opportunity to read through the newsletter it will become evident that both the College staff and students have continued to progress in the areas of learning; collaboration and planning for the future. I know that this time around remote learning may not have the same novelty for our students as the first time but there is no doubt from our attendance data and teacher feedback that many students are trying their best under the circumstances to engage in the learning programs that are on offer. However, while we are all experiencing Stage 4 restrictions there is no way we can replace interschool sport; House activities; excursions; speakers and workshops; camps and just hanging out with friends in and out of class in the same way. I am really looking forward to when we can resume face to face teaching and the students return to school. As a Principal all I do is plan for and consider what students would want to experience and enjoy in the secondary setting and I am very conscious that this year's experience of school is one that is unique and still a little bit unbelievable.
Stage 2 Build Update
Despite the Stage 4 restrictions the current work on preparing the site for the build and foundations has been able to continue. For a short while once students return on site they will still be able to access the oval via a newly made side path but this will continue to change especially when the school gym starts to be constructed. I will always update the school community on site changes and rest assured that Department of Education and Training; Melbcon and the Victorian School Building Authority are very cognisant of maintaining high levels of safety for everyone around the site. I am already in discussion with the appropriate parties about the extra portables we will need to accomodate our students while the Learning Community is being built.
Teaching and Learning
I want to take the opportunity to emphasise how proud I am of all the Edgars Creek College staff during this time. They have continued to provide engaging tasks; try new ways of engaging students; track growth via assessment and attendance while continuing to manage professional learning community collaboration and meetings. Teaching students in this way is extremely challenging especially as not all our students attend online classes regularly or respond actively when online. The ECSC staff have continued to enthusiastically try what they can to maintain the balance in connecting with students while teaching what is essential. As you scroll through the newsletter the evidence of their success can be seen in the 100 % online attendance of students as well as the work samples that have been included. This week the College is trialling two extra learning opportunities during Session 5 and 6 on Wednesday. Some of our teachers have volunteered to be part of the Learning Extension group and the Check and Connect group. This is being trialled with some our Year 9 students as two online spaces where they can receive some clarification about tasks and instruction in Maths or English and have the opportunity to connect with some of their teachers without the pressure of school work.
Thank you again to all of your support and positive feedback during this time. I know that having lots of people at home instead of going to school or work is fun for a very short time but can become challenging over a growing length of time. I hope your families continue to stay safe during this Stage 4 lockdown.
Jo Camozzato
College Principal