Upcoming events and reminders

Project Rockit for Year 7 Students
Year 7 Students will be involved in two FREE online webinars over the next few weeks run by 'Project Rockit'.
The webinars are focused on 'Looking Out For Each Other Online, Respect and Empathy' and aim to educate students about bullying, particularly cyberbullying.
More information can be found here - https://www.projectrockit.com.au/schools-grant/?utm_source=VIC+Schools&utm_campaign=9f62eef3df-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2020_07_20_05_03_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_8d5734cb07-9f62eef3df-1248643673
These first webinars will run on
Wednesday the 26th of August at 9:45 and Thursday 4 September
Headspace - Webinars for students
2nd September – year 7 – 8 Headspace webinar session
4th September – year 9 Headspace webinar session
4th September – PROJECT ROCKIT second session for year 7
10th September – whole college
Mission to Mars Program year 8 program - Victorian Space Science Education Centre (VSSEC)*
- Monday 14th September 2020
- Tuesday 15th September 2020
- Wednesday 16th September 2020
- Thursday 17th September 2020
Note : Due to the current extended COVID-19 restrictions VSSEC may not be able to accommodate these programs.
Year 10 Course and Pathways
Thursday, 22nd of October
Between 1:00 - 6:00 pm by appointment
All year 10 students and parents will be invited to a one on one 15 minutes course counselling meeting to discuss the subjects your child has selected and their course pathways for 2021. This meeting will also involve confirmation of successful entry to specialist programs such as the VCE Early Start program and or the Trade Taster programs.
Curriculum Day
Monday, 2nd November
Pupil Free day
Year 6 into year 7 2021 Transition Day
Tuesday 1st December
Pupil Free day for ECSC students
Principal Awards
Thursday, 10th December
By invitation only