Rocky River Public School Parents & Citizens Assoc.

P&C Meetings

The P&C usually meet on the first Monday of each month from 5.30 pm at the school. Everyone is welcome to come along!


This term we have our regular canteen on Wednesdays again so students can bring in their lunch order on the day on a clearly marked bag with the correct money enclosed.  Our menu is as follows:


Pies                        $3.00

Sausage Rolls     $3.00

4 X Nuggets        $3.00

Pizza singles       $3.00


Flavoured Milk   $2.00

Popper                 $1.50

Ice creams          $1.50

Ice block              $1.00


If you are able to spare some time to assist with canteen please contact Erica via details below.


Uniforms - Rose 0438 828 247

Canteen - Erica 0422 054 475 

Latest P&C Report



Slime Spectacular Fundraiser

This P&C Fundraiser will be held on Thursday 15th December at the school.

Click on this link to watch a short presentation.

Every student who has raised $10 or more can choose a prize! Pick a prize from your highest category, or mix and match smaller prizes.

(eg. if you raised $50, you can choose 1 x $50 prize, or 1 x $20 + 1 x $30 prize, or 1 x $30 + 2 x $10 prizes etc)

 Prizes can be ordered online via your child’s Profile page or by returning your sponsorship booklet with the details written in the back. If you get stuck, your sponsorship booklet contains everything you need to know, or contact Beth on (0407) 104 909.


Prizes MUST be ordered by Friday 18th November  (the end of this week)


Congratulations to all our fundraisers!


P&C Secretary