Students of the Week- week 8

Monday 21st November

Prep AParam SFor his fabulous efforts in reading. We are so proud of you Param! Keep up the great work.
Prep BLiam WFor volunteering to give up your time to clean up our schoolyard with your friend. Thank you so much for making our school beautiful!
Prep BZaria CFor caring about our school by volunteering to collect rubbish in our schoolyard with a friend. Thank you so much for keeping our school beautiful!
1AYating YFor always starting the day with a positive attitude, big smile and readiness to learn. You consistently complete all your school work to a high standard and challenge yourself in all tasks.
1ARafa JFor being an engaged learner during our fairy tale planning. Sharing your great adjectives, synonyms and verbs to describe heroes and villains. Well done, Rafa!
2CDani JFor working hard during our learning of haikus and sharing fantastic ideas aloud to the class. Well done, Dani!
2CBhagya VFor being a wonderful class member and always trying your best. We are so proud of you, Bhagya!
2BHanish PFor always trying your best and giving everything a go, using your growth mindset. Great work, Hanish!
2ACameron SFor his wonderful work with estimating and measuring distances in maths. You are a superstar! Well done, Cam!
2DEva SFor always working to the best of your ability and having a positive approach to all our learning tasks. Well done, Eva!
3CZoe NFor your wonderful efforts with your explanation writing. Well done!
4CMarlina TFor consistently putting in an excellent effort to her learning and looking for ways to improve.
4BZach PFor working hard during our writing lessons and taking ownership of reaching your learning goals. Great effort, Zach.
4AAva QFor developing a more confident approach to her work and for always being a kind and considerate member of the class.