Junior House Sports 

On Wednesday 2nd November we held our annual Junior School House Sports. The weather leading up to this event had not been good and events were moved to the Grade 5/6 Basketball court area and the P-2 synthetic pitch. Some previous events were scrapped and a couple were modified.


In true Delacombe Primary School spirit the students were ready to go, even though it rained up until the scheduled start. With a stroke of luck the rain mostly stayed away and we were able to complete the entire event. The students were fantastic and tried their very best at running, jumping, throwing and kicking, along with some novelty events for fun.

Our Grade 6 students did an amazing job at running events and helping their younger peers. The parents braved the elements to support our students and staff rugged up to brave the elements.


In the end we even saw some sun shining but the students had performed well in all conditions and were smiling all day.


The results are:

1st Cook Kawirr 1475

2nd Moneghetti Dungalaba 1317

3rd Blackburn Kadak 1333

4th Maher Kanyul 1199

Thank you to everyone who was involved.