
Vermont Secondary College

Collaborative Village 

Students worked collaboratively to create a village in Year 7 Studio arts-ceramics. They first chose their cultural village, then researched and designed a house to suit the theme. They worked in their groups, selecting the type of house to build. They learnt how to use clay in this process of hand building and slab work. They then finished the houses with the application of underglaze to denote the correct colour pallet of their chosen themed village. 

The students then created a village outside that suited the theme and presented the works in a photo.

Anastasia Papadopoulos

Works created by 7M2 and 7M4.


Can you guess what village is represented in these photos? 


-Greek Island village -Chinese village -San Francisco Street 

-Smurf village -German village -Greek Island village


Raika C 7M4
Esther B 7M4
Micheal M 7M2
Raika C 7M4
Esther B 7M4
Micheal M 7M2