Year 12 Results

Karen Harris
The community of BSC is enormously proud of our Year 12 students, and the results they have achieved this year in their VCAL, scored VCE and non-scored VCE studies.
These students have been committed to their studies and made the most of their classes, resources and the expert guidance of their educators. Parents, carers, extended families and friends of the Year 12 students have also played a vital role in supporting them through their final year at Brunswick Secondary College. We look forward to hearing of their plans and pathways, and wish them every success for the future beyond Brunswick.
Oki Gardner
Senior School Leader
BSC were thrilled to see the achievement of our graduating students this year when Year 12 VCE Results were released on Monday 12 December .
A number of students received high ATAR scores which will enable them to pursue their pathway of choice. We also saw a remarkable number of study scores of 40 and over which demonstrated exceptional achievement in an individual subject across all internal assessments as well as in exam performance. This highlights what we know to be true: when teachers and students work together they can achieve excellence.
The achievements of our VET students, Early Start students and those who undertook Language studies are also worth noting, as these are growing areas of study in our senior school profile and provides great opportunities for our students.
It has been such a challenging few years for schools, I was continuously reminded of how these challenges have impacted the Class of 2022 as we watched their resilience tested by covid outbreaks, isolation, unexpected absences and the pressure of Year 12 studies. Their success is a great testament to their dedication, focus and maturity. It is remarkable how these students supported one another through busy times, revision and key milestones. We will remember their collective efforts with pride.
- 20% achieved an ATAR score above 90
- 35% achieved an ATAR score above 80
- 52% achieved an ATAR score above 70
ATAR Scores over 90
Dux 2022
Achieving an outstanding ATAR of 99.25, Sabine Barnett has earned the title of Dux of Brunswick Secondary College 2022.
Sabine’s career at BSC has been one of focus and commitment to her studies, along with playing an active and enthusiastic role in our community. While earning recognition for her excellent work practices, over the years Sabine has also served on SRC committees, as SRC Humanities Representative, and provided valuable student input to Student Forums and staff Recruitment Panels.
Sabine's dedication has been well rewarded with excellent results, while her social and community activities have earned her the respect and friendship of teachers and peers alike.
The community is pleased to congratulate Sabine on her success and to announce her Dux of College 2022.
High Achievers - ATAR
We highlight the exceptional efforts of the VCE students below who acheived ATARs above 90.
Ella Davis - 99.2
Lucy Noronha - 98.75
Xavier Cohen - 97.5
Louis Tribe - 96.95
Madeleine Cumming - 96.8
Poppy McCammon - 96.35
Zoe Gwynn - 96.15
Esther Rankin Macdonald - 96.1
Johanne Kallies - 95.6
Elias Koch - 95.4
Poppy Wood - 95.05
Liam Knight 94.95
Alessandro Mortimer 94.7
Polly Stokes 93.85
Jannik Ernst 92.65
Giselle Lanchbery - 92.3
Ruby Sesta - 92.2
Indiah Ross - 91.85
Alia Wong -91.55
Adam Moorhouse - 91.3
Ruben Bell - 91.15
Lola Sleeth 91.15
Cristian Ferri 91.05
High Achievers - Study Score
We acknowledge the outstanding achievements of these Early Start students who achieved perfect study scores for their Unit 3&4 studies, whilst in Year 11.
Sophie Cuthbertson
Study Score – 50 (Biology)
Carah Long
Study Score – 50 (Outdoor & Environmental Studies)